Photographs of maps and diagrams illustrating areas of operations etc.
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1. [ account ]
The Highlanders Museum and Queen's Own Highlanders Collection have very generously provided a scan of the diary compiled by Major Grant while a prisoner of war. The pages of this diary reproduced here cover the period 9 to 12 June 1940.
2. [ general ]
Sketch map showing movements of 492 (Highland) Field Battery, R.A., throughout North Africa Campaign from August 1942 and on through Europe to June 1945.
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Sketch map by Pte. MacPherson, 9th Royal Scots, illustrating positions around River Somme around Eclusier, Frise and Curlu Villages. November - December 1915. Sketch forms part of MacPherson's Diary.
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Section of trench system "The Labyrinth" June - July 1916
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Sketch map by Pte. MacPherson, 9th Royal Scots. Caption reads "Happy Valley", Somme, July 1916. Sketch illustrates trench positions between Mametz Wood and High Wood around Bazentin. Sketch forms part of MacPherson's diary of Active Service.
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Sketch map by Pte. MacPherson, 9th Royal Scots, showing Ancre Valley area between November - December 1916. Part of MacPherson's diary of Active Service.
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Map / Diagram showing the 152 Brigade Attack on Beaumont Hamel on 13 November 1916 during the Battle of Ancre.
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This photograph shows the reference map of German trench positions and objectives described in Operation Orders No. 149 for the attack by 1/6th Battalion, Black Watch, on Beaumont Hamel, 13 November 1916. The original is held at the Black Watch Museum.
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Sketch map made by Pte. MacPherson, 9th Royal Scots, illustrating German and Allied positions around Fampoux and Roeux Villages along the River Scarpe during late April 1917. Sketch comes from MacPherson's diary of his Active Service.
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A sketch map showing positions and attack plan at 3rd Ypres
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A copy of the sketch map showing positions and attack plan for 3rd Ypres, June 1917. Colour overlay has been applied to help illustrate the objectives.
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Map showing 6th Seaforth Advance at third Battle of Ypres from "The Spirit of the Troops is Excellent" By Derek Bird
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Sketch map of positions at Poelcappelle, 20th September 1917.
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Map detailing advance on 6th Seaforth in Battle of Cambrai, 20th November 1917.
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Sketch map of the Gordon Highlanders' advance in Battle of Cambrai, 20th/21st November 1917.
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Sketch map showing positions during the German Offensive, 21-26 March 1918.
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Sketch map of 6th Seaforth Highlanders at the Bois de Courton in Champagne, 20-28 July 1918
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Sketch map showing the advance during the counter-attack in Champagne over 27th and 28th July 1918.
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An illustrated map showing area of operations of the Gordon Highlanders in late August 1918 during the Second Battles of Arras.
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Sketch map of the Somme - Bresle in Northern France, 1940.
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Sketch map of Divisional deployment around St. Valery. Based on a sketch by Second Lieutenant "Ran" Ogilvie of Gordon Highlanders.
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, detailing the Somme area June 1st-6th 1940
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, detailing Battalion dispositions June 2nd 1940
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the area of the Somme Campaign June 1940
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, detailing Coy and Pl. localities on completion of phase i (the capture and consolidation of the Grand Bois). June 4th 1940
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Sketch map showing the line of attack and positions of 4th Cameron Coys. during the attack at Huchenneville on 4th June 1940. A version of this original sketch is recreated within "Churchill's Sacrifice". This original sketch is in a manuscript account in an exercise book written in a prisoner of war camp. The book does not say who the author was but there is a loose letter in it to Major W A Macleay, 4th Battalion Q.O. Cameron Highlanders, commending a L/Cpl for his actions on the Somme on 4/5th June and it is assumed that Major Macleay was the author of the diary and map.
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A map showing the starting attack positions of "D" & "C" Coy. near Huchenneville on 4th June 1940
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This maps shows the area of attack on 4th June 1940 by 1st Gordon Highlanders on the Grand Bois from the west, supported by fire from 1st Black Watch in the Petit Bois (shown on the map as the Bois de Conchy)
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A sketch map showing the line of attack of "B" Coy. 4th Camerons during the attack at Huchenneville on 4th June 1940.
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing Coy areas at 1200 hrs and from 1300-2300 hrs on June 5th 1940
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The sketch map is based on a recent visit by Brig. C. Grant and on the map in 'The History of the 7th Argylls - From El Alamein to Germany' by Ian C Cameron
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing withdrawal from Somme between 0500 hrs and 0730 hrs June 5th 1940
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the Bresle position, June 7th and 8th 1940
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the 1st Gordon Highlanders' dispositions between 1400-2130 hrs on June 9th 1940
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Scan of Major Grant's diary relating to 9th June 1940, Dieppe / Arques Le Battaille
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Sketch map from Major Grant's diary relating to positions around Dieppe on 9th June 1940
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Sketch map from Major Grant's diary showing the route from Dieppe to St. Valery.
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the line of withdrawal from the Foret d’Arques June 9th - June 10th 1940
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Scan of page 28 from Major Grant's diary relating to the 9th/10th June 1940
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Scan of page 29 from Major Grant's diary relating to the 10th June 1940
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the route taken by the 1st Gordons from Veules Les Roses to Gueures on June 10th 1940
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, of the St-Valery bridgehead western flank showing Coy areas on June 11th 1940 at 0930 hrs
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Scan of page 30 from Major Grant's diary relating to the 11th June 1940 and movements around St. Valery
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Scan of page 31 from Major Grant's diary relating to positions around Le Tot & St. Sylvan 11th June 1940
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Sketch map from Major Grant's diary relating to positions around St. Valery on 11th June 1940
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Sketch map from Major Grant's diary relating to positions around Le Tot & St. Sylvan and German Tank movements. 11th and 12th June 1940.
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Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the Tank attack at St. Valery, 1500-1520 hrs, June 11th 1940
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A hand drawn sketch map (presumed to be by Henry Owens) showing the layout of Stalag XXb, Marienburg (some time between 1942 - 1944).
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Hand drawn sketch map showing movements of 492 (H) Field Battery (128th Field Regiment) during the North Africa Campaign. Includes annotation detailing firing, not-firing and rest positions.
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Diagram depicting the route of the North African campaign.
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Diagram of the area of operations of 152 Brigade at El Alamein, North Africa, October 1942.
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Map showing the route of the 51st Highland Division through Sicily from the landing at Portopalo to Messina during Operation Huskey, 1943.
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Map showing the details of the Gerbini attack, belonged to Major W D Johnston, 243 Battery, 61st (Highland) Anti-Tank Regiment RA and is reproduced by kind permission of his son, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) G S Johnston OBE, a trustee of the 51st Highland Division and Ross Bequest.
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Map showing the Allied invasion force and German dispositions. Operation Overlord. Dated 6th June 1944
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Hand drawn sketch map showing movements of 492 (Highland) Field Battery, Royal Artillery (128th Field Reg.) between "V" Day and "VE" Day. Includes annotation detailing firing, not-firing and rest positions.
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51st Highland Division's area of operations, France, June - July 1944
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Map of the principle camps for British and Dominion prisoners of war in Europe. The following corrections (dated 30.8.44) were attached to the original map:Stalag Luft IV in Tychow (G.3) now forms part of Stalag Luft III at Sagan (F.5). Stalag Luft VI, Stalag XXX D and Stalag 357 have been closed.
58. [ photo ]
Map detailing the Highland Division's area of operations during 10-15 January 1945 in the Ardennes.
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Map showing the details of the 5th Black watch attack on Hubermont. The attack took place the night of 12-13 January showing the initial (1) and final (2) company positions.
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The providence of this map is not known and hence the pencil marks cannot be dated. However, the objective axis and start line are clear.
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This detailed sketch map accompanies the account from "So Few Got Through" by Martin Lindsay
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This detailed map taken directly from "The Spirit of Angus" illustrates the actions of the 5th Black Watch.
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Annotated map showing 51st Highland Division positions and objectives during Operation Plunder - the crossing of the Rhine. The map is dated 20th March 1945.
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Map showing the whole Allied Plan for the crossing of the Rhine. The circle shows Montgomery’s 21st Army Group.
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Brigadier Oliver’s map for the Rhine crossing by kind permission of the Black Watch Museum.
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Map showing Lieutenant General Miles Dempsey’s 2nd British Army with 51st Highland Division crossing at Rees as part of Operation Plunder - The crossing of the Rhine, March 1945.
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Photograph of an original 51st Highland Division map for Operation Plunder
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Sketch map showing key features of the attack on Groin
70. [ photo ]
Route taken by 51st Highland Division from Enschede to Bremen, April 1945