Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to '2nd Derbyshire Yeomanry'...
1. [ battalions ]
2. [ history ]
With the successful advance of 152 Brigade to Ronchamps the Divisional right flank was secure and all was ready for the assault by 154 Brigade down the Ourthe valley to La Roche.
3. [ history ]
On 10th January 152 Brigade moved through 153 Brigade with the task of pushing across the Marche - La Roche road and on to take Ronchamps thus covering the right flank of the divisional advance down the Ourthe valley.
1. [ account ]
An Account of the attack on Le Havre (September 1944), taken from "History of the 7th Aryglls" by Ian C Cameron.
2. [ account ]
Account of the Attack on St. Michels Gestel and Vught - taken from "The History of the 7th Argylls" by Captain Ian C Cameron
3. [ account ]
An account by Private Tom Renouf - 'A' Company, 7th Platoon, 5th Black Watch - of the attack on Hubermont. His account picks up the operation on the 12th January 1945. (The Ardennes, Subsequent Operations)
Dr. Tom Renouf is the Secretary of the 51st Highland Division Veterans Association.
4. [ op order ]
Operation Order No. 12 (Operation 'Veritable') listed in full - dated 4th February 1945 (Reichswald)
5. [ account ]
DIV COMD's Policy from McMillan (Major General Commanding) 10 April 1945 (Victory in Europe, 1945)
6. [ account ]
154 Brigade account - 1st May 1945 to 5th May 1945.
7. [ op order ]
Dated 3 May 1945, this is the last Divisional Operation Instruction before the German surrender.
We have no photos currently referencing this content tag at present...