Instructions & Fire Plan, Op. Orders 149
1/6th Black Watch, Beaumont Hamel, Nov 1916

Sketch map, Op. Order 149

Op. Order 149 Map

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These "Instructions with regard to Operations" are retyped from an original document attached to Operations Order No. 149, housed in the archive of the Black Watch Museum, which detailed the objectives for 1/6th Black Watch's attack on Beaumont Hamel which took place on 13th November 1916.

Instructions with regard to Operations

1. "A" and "B" Coys. will move off by platoons at 1.30 p.m. and will relieve Support Coy. and left Coy. respectively of the Battalion at present in the lines. This relief will be complete by 5 p.m. with the exception of the posts in the front line, which will be relieved at 6 p.m. Two Lewis Guns will accompany each of these Coys., but will not take over any positions in the line.

2. "C" and "D" Coys. will move off by platoons at 3 p.m. and will take up postion in ST.JOHN'S ROAD and POMPADOUR respectively. Three Lewis Guns will accompany each of these Coys.

3. Route for the above movements; Lane P.18.a.9.5. - MAILLY CHURCH - AUCHONVILLERS STN.

4. Each platoon will send a carrying party to THURLES DUMP at 6 p.m. to carry teas. A similar party will also be sent to THURLES DUMP at 10 p.m. to carry up hot drinks.

5. By 12 midnight all four Coys. will be in their position of assembly. Route and time of starting to be arranged by Coy. Commanders.

6. Runners from each Coy. and Section will come to Battalion Battke Headquarters at 6.45 p.m. tonight and at 2.15 a.m. to synchronise watches.

7. At 6.15 a.m. Coys will report at Battalion Headquarters that they are in position and that their water-bottles are full. Every man must be warned of the paramount importance of self-control as regards drinking water from his water-bottle.

8. Platoon bombing parties will draw their bomb buckets before leaving camp and will draw their bombs under the Battalion Bombing Sergeant at STOCKTON DUMP and rejoin their Coys. immediately. Each party will draw 70 No.5, + 10 "P". (a line was then deleted).

9. 1 Officer and 1 platoon of 1/7th Black Watch will be attached to "A" Coy. and 1 Officer and 1 platoon will be attacked to "B" Coy for the attack.

10. 1 Officer and 10, 1/7th Black Watch, will be at the disposal of O.C. Lewis Gun Section, as a fatigue party.

11. O.C. Coys will select 5 specialists to remain behind, furnishing a nominal role to the Adjutant.

The Lewis Gun Officer will similarly select six N.C.O.'s or men to remain behind.

R.B.ELLIS, Captain
Adjutant, 1/6th Battalion The Black Watch
12 November, 1916

Fire Plan Op. Order 149
Amended Time Table

Y Day
3.30pm Gas will be discharged from 50 mortars in WELINGTON TRENCH on Y RAVINE.
(There is a note in a column to the right which reads “Only if wind is between NW and SSW.)
Z Day
4am Units will be formed up ready to attack.
0hrs Barrage will commence on German First Line, heavies on 2nd Line. Sap S will be blown. 1st wave gets under barrage, 2nd wave gets close behind 1st wave.
+5mins Barrage lifts off Southern Corner of salient which is assaulted.
+6mins Barrage lifts to 2nd German Line and 1st Line is assaulted.
+11mins Barrage lifts to 3rd,German Line and 2nd,Line is assaulted.
+16mins Barrage commences to creep back and 3rd Line is assaulted.
+36mins Barrage reaches 4th Line (Green Line 1st objective).
+41mins Barrage lifted 150 yds. beyond 4th Line which is assaulted.,Barrage remains 150 yds beyond 4th (green Line) until -
+1hr. 1min Barrage ceases.
+1hr. 6mins Barrage recommences.
+1hr. 21mins Barrage ceases.
+1hr. 26mins Barrage recommences.
+1hr. 36mins Barrage ceases.
+1hr. 41mins Barrage recommences.
+1hr. 51mins Barrage ceases.
+1hr. 56mins Barrage recommences at internes rate, Coys, for assault on yellow line move forward.
+1hr. 58mins Barrage commences to creep back 100 yds per 5 mins.
+2hr. 41mins Barrage reaches yellow line (Final Objective).
+2hr. 45mins Barrage lifts 150 yds. beyond yellow Line which is assaulted. Barrage keeps on 150 yds. Beyond yellow line covering consolidation.

Supporting Information :


Instructions relating to Operations Order, issued (12th Nov 1916) for the attack by 1/6th Battalion, Black Watch, at Beaumont Hamel 13th Nov. including the attached Fire Plan time table.


1916 . 1st Black Watch . Beaumont Hamel . Op Order . WWI