Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to '1st Gordon Highlanders'...
1. [ pow ]
From Henry Owens' volunteering in 1939 to his capture at St. Valery in 1940
2. [ history ]
The 51st Highland Division landed in Le Havre in January 1940 as part of the British Expeditionary Force [B.E.F.] On 28th March they were deployed into the defensive line relieving the French 21st Division between Bailleul and Armentiéres...
3. [ history ]
General Fortune considered all the options, a counter attack, further resistance, retaking the town but against this there was no possibility of evacuation or support, the men were exhausted and virtually out of ammunition, with no artillery ammunition at all. Shortly before 1000hrs on the 12th June General fortune took the most difficult of decisions - to surrender...
4. [ history ]
Montgomery was determined to attack the enemy using his infantry to create a gap and then push the armour through the gap created. The area for this was not the weaker sector in the south but the stronger part of the enemy position in the North. 30 Corps were to execute this attaching on a frontage four divisions wide...
5. [ history ]
After El Alamein the 51st Highland Division were in pursuit of Rommel and the retreating forces from Tubruk to Misurata
6. [ history ]
In the wake of the Wadi Akarit battle the 8th Army took up the pursuit...
7. [ history ]
Initial phase of Op. Huskey - the landing at Sicily, 10th July 1943
8. [ history ]
Details of the action at VIZZINI and FRANCOFONTE, Sicily, 13th - 15th July 1943
9. [ history ]
By 12th January the 51st Highland Division found that the opposition had become more determined. The reason for this was that the Division now threatened the main German withdrawal route of Champion - Erneuville - Ortho - Filly.
10. [ history ]
Goch was planned as the Divisions final objective in Operation Veritable. The task fell to 153 Brigade...
11. [ history ]
The Operation to cross the Rhine was to be called Operation Plunder. The Plan for Operation Plunder was to cross on a two corps front with 51st Highland division on the left leading 30 Corps. The Divisional objectives on the other side of the Rhine were Honnepel and Rees.
1. [ account ]
An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor who was the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands. Covers the period from beginning of September to end October 1939.
2. [ account ]
An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor who was the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands. Describes the move to the Somme at the end of May / beginning of June 1940
3. [ account ]
An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor, the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands, covering the first week of June 1940.
4. [ extract ]
Description of the attack on Abbeville, from 'The Highland Division' by Eric Linklater.
5. [ extract ]
Extract relating to the Attack on Abbeville Bridgehead on 4 Jun 1940 from "THE FIGHTING IN THE SAAR AND SOUTH OF THE SOMME" prepared by the Historical Section of the Cabinet.
6. [ account ]
An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor, the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands, covering the period June 5th - 7th 1940.
7. [ account ]
An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor, the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands, concerning the withdrawal over June 7th and 8th 1940.
8. [ account ]
An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor, the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands. Covers the period June 9th and 10th 1940 during the withdrawal towards St. Valery.
9. [ account ]
An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor, the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands. Covers the period June 11th and 12th 1940 at St. Valery.
10. [ account ]
Two accounts of ‘D’ Coy 7th Royal Norfolk and their capture at St. Valery June 11th & 12th 1940
11. [ account ]
An account of the operation to take a ridge called Djebel Roumana at Wadi Akarit on 6th April 1943. This account is taken from "OPERATION SCIPIO - THE 8TH ARMY AT THE BATTLE OF THE WADI AKARIT" by kind permission of the author B. S. Barnes.
12. [ account ]
Account of the Sicily landing, July 1943.
13. [ account ]
An account of Operation "Totalise" in Normandy by Major A McKinnon MC 7th Argylls. (written 23rd August 1944)
14. [ account ]
An account of the 5th Black Watch crossing the Afterwaterings Canal, 4th - 5th November 1944. From "The Spirit of Angus" by John McGregor by permission of The Black Watch Museum.
15. [ account ]
Martin Lindsay's account of the attack on Goch by 1st Gordons on the 18th February 1945 - from 'So Few Got Through' by Martin Lindsay. (Goch, Reichswald)
16. [ account ]
153 Brigade Operations during Operation Plunder - the Rhine Crossing, March 1945.
17. [ account ]
"Notes on Town Clearing", written by Lt Col JA GRANT-PETERKIN, DSO, O.C., 1 GORDONS, on the experiences of a Battalion which took part in clearing two large towns, GENNEP and GOCH, against a determined and organised enemy...
18. [ account ]
Additional note from Main HQ relating to "Notes on Town Clearing" written by Lt Col JA GRANT-PETERKIN, DSO, O.C., 1 GORDONS which detailed operations to clear Gennep and Goch during Operation Plunder, Rhine Crossing, March 1945.
19. [ extract ]
A description of the 1st Gordon Highlanders crossing of the Rhine and subsequent fight through Rees during Operation Plunder, 24-26 March 1945. Extracts from "The History of the 51st Highland Division" by J. B. Salmon, and "So Few Got Through" by Martin Lindsay, reproduced here with kind permission.
20. [ extract ]
From Martin Lindsay’s “So Few Got Through”, a description of an officer McNair's enthusiastic use of three 3.7 Howitzers in action in Rees, March 1945, during Operation Plunder.
1. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, detailing the Somme area June 1st-6th 1940
2. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, detailing Battalion dispositions June 2nd 1940
3. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the area of the Somme Campaign June 1940
4. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, detailing Coy and Pl. localities on completion of phase i (the capture and consolidation of the Grand Bois). June 4th 1940
5. [ photo ]
This maps shows the area of attack on 4th June 1940 by 1st Gordon Highlanders on the Grand Bois from the west, supported by fire from 1st Black Watch in the Petit Bois (shown on the map as the Bois de Conchy)
6. [ photo ]
From the eastern end of the Grand Bois looking back on the Petit Bois. Scene of the 1st Gordon's Attack on Grand Bois, 4th June 1940.
7. [ photo ]
View looking up the southern length of the Grand Bois from the western corner. Scene of the 1st Gordons Attack on Grand Bois, 4th June 1940
8. [ photo ]
The view of The Petit Bois as seen from the western end of the Grand Bois. Scene of the 1st Gordon's Attack on Grand Bois, 4th June 1940.
9. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing Coy areas at 1200 hrs and from 1300-2300 hrs on June 5th 1940
10. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing withdrawal from Somme between 0500 hrs and 0730 hrs June 5th 1940
11. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the Bresle position, June 7th and 8th 1940
12. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the 1st Gordon Highlanders' dispositions between 1400-2130 hrs on June 9th 1940
13. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the line of withdrawal from the Foret d’Arques June 9th - June 10th 1940
14. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the route taken by the 1st Gordons from Veules Les Roses to Gueures on June 10th 1940
15. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, of the St-Valery bridgehead western flank showing Coy areas on June 11th 1940 at 0930 hrs
16. [ photo ]
Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the Tank attack at St. Valery, 1500-1520 hrs, June 11th 1940
17. [ photo ]
Units of 51st Highland Division go into the attack around Sprang, north of Tilburn, as the enemy are pushed out of SW Holland. Carriers are 6 pounder guns of the 1st Gordons moving up to the battle positions North of Loon-Op-Zand. (Photographer Sgt Gee 30th October 1944)
18. [ photo ]
This detailed sketch map accompanies the account from "So Few Got Through" by Martin Lindsay
19. [ photo ]
The Gordon Highlanders advance over the flood bank of the Rhine before crossing the river, 24 March 1945. NAM out of copyright.