2nd Seaforth Highlanders War Diary Extract
18/19 Feb 1945

Officers B Coy, 2 Seaforth Highlanders
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This photograph was received from Allan Macintyre, the son of the late Major Donald Macintyre MC.
The photo captures Officers of B Company, 2 Seaforth Highlanders, thought to have been taken in North West Europe c. 1944-45 by Lt.Col Andrews.
From left to right - Lt. Andrew Donaldson [Ft.William], Major Donald Macintyre MC, Lt George Roark, Captain Charles A Manning [CanLoan Officer, Halifax Nova Scotia].
The following was received, with thanks, from Allan Macintyre, the son of the late Major Donald Macintyre MC, with an introductory note :
"My late father, Major Donald Macintyre MC, originally commissioned to the South Staffordshire Regiment joined 2 Seaforth Highlanders when 59 Division was disbanded in August 1944 to meet the serious manpower shortages of other infantry units. He commanded 'B' company 2 Seaforth Highlanders under Lt Col Geordie Andrews DSO until he was wounded in the Brigade's 18th February 1945, night attack on Goch." - Allan Macintyre.
War Diary - 2nd Bn The Seaforth Highlanders
17/18 Feb 1945
17th Feb
0130 - F Ech ordered fwd but delayed by 5 CAMERONS who were now moving fwd as PHASE III.
0400 - F Ech joins the Bn.
0630 - CO visits Coy posns. Att Tp of ten move fwd and take up posns in "B" Coy’s area. Slight enemy shelling at first light causes oas to the Bn HQ protection party.
1130 - COs conference for Coy Comds - 152 Inf Bde have taken all their objectives.
1230 - Comd 152 Inf Bde visits Comd Post.
1300 - GOC 51 (H) Div visits the Comd Post and speaks to Coy Comds about coming Ops. Quiet afternoon and evening. All ranks endeavoured to get as much rest as possible.
18th Feb
1030 -
COs conference for Bn O Gp.
2 SEAFORTH will attack and capture the gun area 8944.
Coy objectives :-
“A” Coy - by 901443 over A tk ditch protecting GOCH defences.
“B” Coy - houses area 893446.
“D” Coy - level crossing 899448.
Order of March :- “D” Coy - “B” Coy - Tac HQ - “A” Coy.
Route :- X Rds 865459 - GRAF? - HERVORST 896455 - GOCH
F and A Echs will move to GRAF? At 1700 hrs.
H hr :- 1900 hrs 18 Feb.
Adjt will recce fwd assembly area in HERVORST and will move with Tac Bn HQ. IO will remain with F Ech.
Tac Bn HQ will consist of half track comd veh and RA rep’s veh.
1900 - “D” Coy crossed the 3tart pt. 2030 - “D” Coy report their objective taken.
2100 - “B” Coy nearing objective - Maj D. MACINTYRE, MC, OC “B” Coy wounded - posn in “B” Coy area becomes obscure. Capt C.A. M? Is ordered fwd to take over comd.
2310 - “A” Coy on objective. Enemy mortar fire is persistent and fairly hy. J? br ordered fwd.
2330 - “B” Coy on objective. J? Br reported over in “A” Coy area.
19th Feb
0015 - 5 BN (153 Inf Bde) move fwd through “A” Coy.
0430 - F Ech moves fwd and joins the Bn. Bn HQ set in house 899445.

2nd Seaforth War Diary 18/19 Feb 1945
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An extract from the 2nd Bn. The Seaforth Highlanders War Diary covering the 18/19 Feb 1945 during the final stages of Operation Veritable and the Attack on Goch.
Division History References :
Goch was planned as the Divisions final objective in Operation Veritable. The task fell to 153 Brigade...