Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to 'Canadian Corps'...
1. [ history ]
The 51st Highland Division in the Battle of Arras during the First World War, April 1917
2. [ history ]
The 51st Highland Division landing took place to the west of the Ornnemouth in the 1st Corps area and crossed the River Orne. The operations in the following weeks were some of the worst the Division had experienced...
3. [ history ]
A summary of the landing of the Brigades at Normandy between 5th June - 10th June 1944
4. [ history ]
after initial operations by 5th Black Watch against the area of Douvres, 153 Brigade followed by 152 Brigade crossed the Orne to operated to the east of the Orne and north east of Caen centred on an area known as the Triangle...
5. [ history ]
By early July Cherbourg had fallen to the Americans and the British occupied Caen. The US forces pressed on to St. Lo and commenced the isolation of the Brittany peninsula. The US success now set the conditions for Montgomery's break out. This took the form of three operations, Bluecoat which began on 30th July, Totalise on the 7th August and Tractable which began on 14th August...
6. [ history ]
The 51st Highland Division was placed under command of the Canadian Corps and on 6th August moved forward to begin the operation called Operation Totalise. The attack began on the night of the 7th August and when the operation ended on the 10th August the 51st Highland Division had secured all its objectives.
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