Corp. Jack Kidd recalls POW Processing
Thorne, Polland, 1940

Corp. Jack Kidd's POW ID Tags
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Corp. Jack Kidd's hand-tapped prisoner of War ID tags. The location of the POW camp is marked on one side as 'Thorn' which is located in Poland
As you might expect the Germans processed them efficiently. They were taken to Camp 11, where some Norwegian prisoners had soup ready for them, they had metal identity dog-tags made, photographs and fingerprints were taken and occupation noted.
They had their heads shaved and were each given a postcard to send home. The men were put into groups of 25 and were allocated a loaf of bread per five men. They had an excellent system for ensuring that the bread was evenly divided; the man doing the slicing, 4 cms, per slice, took the last piece so it was in his interests to be absolutely accurate when cutting the loaf.